SMS REST API tutorial

The purpose of this document is to present the basic concepts of the CLX Communications HTTP REST Messaging API and how to use it from Python using the HTTP REST Messaging API SDK.

HTTP REST Messaging API basics

HTTP REST Messaging API is a REST API that is provided by CLX Communications for sending and receiving SMS messages. It also provides various other services supporting this task such as managing groups of recipients, tagging, and so forth.

Note, for brevity we will in this document refer to HTTP REST Messaging API as XMS API and the HTTP REST Messaging API service or HTTP endpoint as XMS.

A great benefit of the XMS API is that it allows you to easily create and send batch SMS messages, that is, SMS messages that can have multiple recipients. When creating a batch message it is possible to use message templates, which allows each recipient to receive a personalized message.

To use XMS it is necessary to have a service plan identifier and an authentication token, which can be obtained by creating an XMS service plan.

For full documentation of the XMS API please refer to the REST API documentation site. The documentation site contains up-to-date information about, for example, status and error codes.

Interacting with XMS through Python

Using this Python SDK, all interaction with XMS happens through an XMS client, which can be created using the service plan identifier and authentication token. Further configuration can be performed on the XMS client but in the typical case a service plan identifier and authentication token is sufficient.

Once an XMS client has been created it is possible to send requests to XMS and receive its responses. This is done by calling a suitable method on the XMS client, supplying arguments as necessary, and receiving the response as the return value.

This SDK has a focus on asynchronous operation and all interaction with XMS happens asynchronously. Therefore, while synchronous methods are supplied within the library their use is discouraged in most practical applications.

The arguments passed to a connection method are sometimes very simple, fetching a previously create batch simply requires the batch identifier as argument. Other times the arguments are complicated, for example to create the batch it may be necessary to supply a large number of arguments that specify destination addresses, the message body, expiry times, and so on. For such complex arguments we use classes whose methods correspond to the different parameters that are relevant for the request.

In general the terms used in XMS carry through to the Python API with one major exception. The REST API uses the terms to and from to indicate a message originator and message destination, respectively. In the Python API these are instead denoted recipient and sender. The cause of this name change is to have less confusing and more idiomatic Python method and property names.

Connection management

The first step in using the XMS SDK is to create an XMS client object, this object is instantiated from the Client class and it describes everything we need in order to talk with the XMS API endpoint. The minimal amount of information needed are the service plan identifier and the authentication token and, as previously mentioned, these will be provided to you when creating an XMS service.

Assuming we have been given the service plan identifier “myplan” and authentication token “mytoken” then an XMS client client can be created as follows:

client = clx.xms.Client('myserviceplan', 'mytoken')

Once created the client can be used to interact with XMS in the ways described in the following sections of this tutorial.

By default the connection will use as XMS endpoint. This can be overridden by providing an extra argument to the Client constructor. For example, the code:

client = clx.xms.Client(

would make the client object believe that the batches endpoint endpoint is

Sending batches

Creating a batch is typically one of the first things one would like to do when starting to use XMS. To create a batch we must specify, at a minimum, the originating address (typically a short code), one or more recipient addresses (typically MSISDNs), and the message body. Sending a simple hello world message to one recipient is then accomplished using:

batch_params = clx.xms.api.MtBatchTextSmsCreate()
batch_params.sender = '12345'
batch_params.recipients = {'987654321'}
batch_params.body = 'Hello, World!'
result = client.create_batch(batch_params)

You will notice a few things with this code. We are using a client variable that corresponds to an XMS client that we assume has been previously created. We are calling the create_batch() method on the client with a single argument that describes the batch we wish to create.

Describing the batch is done using an MtBatchTextSmsCreate object. For a batch with a binary body you would similarly describe it using an MtBatchBinarySmsCreate object.

The return value of a batch create call is a MtBatchTextSmsResult or MtBatchBinarySmsResult object that contains not only the submitted batch information but also information included by XMS, such that the unique batch identifier, the creation time, etc. For example, to simply print the batch identifier we could add the code:

print('Batch id is %s' % result.batch_id)

It is not much harder to create a more complicated batch, for example, here we create a parameterized message with multiple recipients and a scheduled send time:

batch_params = clx.xms.api.MtBatchTextSmsCreate()
batch_params.sender = '12345'
batch_params.recipients = {'987654321', '123456789', '567894321'}
batch_params.body = 'Hello, ${name}!'
batch_params.parameters['name'] = {
    '987654321': 'Mary',
    '123456789': 'Joe',
    'default': 'valued customer'
batch_params.send_at = datetime(2016, 12, 20, 10, 0, 0, 0, UTC)
batch = client.create_batch(batch_params)

On the other hand, for the common case where we need to send a text or binary message to a single recipient there are create_text_message() and create_binary_message() which do not require an API object. For example:




Internally these create batches with a single recipient and they return values of types MtBatchTextSmsResult and MtBatchBinarySmsResult, respectively.

Fetching batches

If you have a batch identifier and would like to retrieve information concerning that batch then it is sufficient to use the fetch_batch() method. Thus, if the desired batch identifier is available in the variable batch_id then one could write:

batch_id = # …
result = client.fetch_batch(batch_id)
print('Batch id is %s' % result.batch_id)

Note, since fetch_batch() does not know ahead of time whether the fetched batch is textual or binary it returns a value of the type MtBatchSmsResult. This type is the base class of MtBatchTextSmsResult and MtBatchBinarySmsResult and you may need to use, for example, isinstance to determine the actual type.

Listing batches

Once you have created a few batches it may be interesting to retrieve a list of all your batches. Retrieving listings of batches is done through a paged result. This means that a single request to XMS may not retrieve all batches. As a result, when calling the fetch_batches() method on your XMS client it will not simply return a list of batches but rather a clx.xms.api.Pages object. The pages object in turn can be used to fetch specific pages or iterate over all available pages while transparently performing necessary page requests.

To limit the number of batches in the list it is also possible to supply a filter that will restrict the fetched batches, for example to those sent after a particular date or having a specific tag or sender.

More specifically, to print the identifier of each batch sent on 2016-12-01 and having the tag “signup_notification”, we may write something like the following:

pages = client.fetch_batches(
    tag={'signup_notification'},, 12, 1),, 12, 2));

for page in pages:
    for batch in page:
        print('Batch ID: %s' % batch.batch_id)

Other XMS requests

We have only shown explicitly how to create, list and fetch batches but the same principles apply to all other XMS calls within the SDK. For example, to fetch a group one could use the previously given instructions for fetching batches and simply use fetch_group() with a group identifier.

Canceling a batch and deleting a group is the same as fetching with the exception that they do not return any result.

Handling errors

Any error that occurs during an API operation will result in an exception being thrown. The exceptions raised explicitly by the SDK all inherit from the ApiException class and they are

If the XMS server responded with a JSON error object containing an error code and error description. See the HTTP Errors section in the XMS documentation.
If the XMS server response indicated that the desired resource does not exist. In other words, if the server responded with HTTP status 404 Not Found. During a fetch batch or group operation this exception would typically indicate that the batch or group identifier is incorrect.
Thrown if the XMS server determined that the authentication token was invalid for the service plan.
If the XMS server responded in a way that the SDK did not expect and cannot handle, the complete HTTP response body can be retrieved from the exception object using the http_body attribute.

Note, internally this SDK uses the Requests library and when performing XMS operations one may therefore encounter exceptions raised by Requests. See the Requests errors and exceptions documentation for more.

Due to the use of exceptions, a typical XMS operation in the Python SDK is surrounded by a try-catch statement such as:

    # Invoke synchronous XMS client call here.
except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, clx.xms.exceptions.ApiException) as ex:
    print('Failed to communicate with XMS: %s' % str(ex))