Source code for clx.xms.serialize

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""JSON serializes for XMS API object classes.

Note, this module is mainly intended for internal use and the API may
change in the future


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import binascii
from clx.xms.api import RESET

def _write_datetime(value):
    """Helper that validates a date time object."""

    if value.utcoffset() is None:
        raise ValueError("Expected datetime with time zone")

    return value.isoformat()

def _write_base64(value):
    return binascii.b2a_base64(value).decode('ascii')

def _write_hex(value):
    return binascii.hexlify(value).decode('ascii')

def _create_batch_helper(batch):
    """Helper that prepares the fields of a batch for JSON serialization.

    :param MtBatchSmsCreate batch: the batch to serialize
    :return: dictionary for JSON serialization


    fields = {
        'from': batch.sender,
        'to': sorted(batch.recipients)

    if batch.delivery_report:
        fields['delivery_report'] = batch.delivery_report

    if batch.send_at:
        fields['send_at'] = _write_datetime(batch.send_at)

    if batch.expire_at:
        fields['expire_at'] = _write_datetime(batch.expire_at)

    if batch.tags:
        fields['tags'] = sorted(batch.tags)

    if batch.callback_url:
        fields['callback_url'] = batch.callback_url

    return fields

[docs]def text_batch(batch): """Serializes the given text batch into JSON. :param MtBatchTextSmsCreate batch: the batch to serialize :return: dictionary suitable for JSON serialization """ fields = _create_batch_helper(batch) fields['type'] = 'mt_text' fields['body'] = batch.body if batch.parameters: fields['parameters'] = batch.parameters return fields
[docs]def binary_batch(batch): """Serializes the given binary batch into JSON. :param MtBatchBinarySmsCreate batch: the batch to serialize :return: dictionary suitable for JSON serialization """ fields = _create_batch_helper(batch) fields['type'] = 'mt_binary' fields['body'] = _write_base64(batch.body) fields['udh'] = _write_hex(batch.udh) return fields
def _batch_update_helper(batch): """Helper that prepares the given batch for serialization. :param MtBatchSmsUpdate batch: the batch to serialize :return: dictionary suitable for JSON serialization :rtype: dict """ fields = {} if batch.recipient_insertions: fields['to_add'] = sorted(batch.recipient_insertions) if batch.recipient_removals: fields['to_remove'] = sorted(batch.recipient_removals) if batch.sender: fields['from'] = batch.sender if batch.delivery_report == RESET: fields['delivery_report'] = None elif batch.delivery_report: fields['delivery_report'] = batch.delivery_report if batch.send_at == RESET: fields['send_at'] = None elif batch.send_at: fields['send_at'] = _write_datetime(batch.send_at) if batch.expire_at == RESET: fields['expire_at'] = None elif batch.expire_at: fields['expire_at'] = _write_datetime(batch.expire_at) if batch.callback_url == RESET: fields['callback_url'] = None elif batch.callback_url: fields['callback_url'] = batch.callback_url return fields
[docs]def text_batch_update(batch): """Serializes the given text batch update into JSON. :param MtBatchTextSmsUpdate batch: the batch update to serialize :return: dictionary suitable for JSON serialization :rtype: dict """ fields = _batch_update_helper(batch) fields['type'] = 'mt_text' if batch.body: fields['body'] = batch.body if batch.parameters == RESET: fields['parameters'] = None elif batch.parameters: fields['parameters'] = batch.parameters return fields
[docs]def binary_batch_update(batch): """Serializes the given binary batch update into JSON. :param MtBatchBinarySmsUpdate batch: the batch update to serialize :return: dictionary suitable for JSON serialization :rtype: dict """ fields = _batch_update_helper(batch) fields['type'] = 'mt_binary' if batch.body: fields['body'] = _write_base64(batch.body) if batch.udh: fields['udh'] = _write_hex(batch.udh) return fields
def _group_auto_update_helper(auto_update): """Helper that prepares the given group auto update for JSON serialization. :param GroupAutoUpdate auto_update: the auto update to serialize :return: dictionary suitable for JSON serialization :rtype: dict """ fields = { 'to': auto_update.recipient } if auto_update.add_word_pair[0]: fields.setdefault('add', {})['first_word'] = \ auto_update.add_word_pair[0] if auto_update.add_word_pair[1]: fields.setdefault('add', {})['second_word'] = \ auto_update.add_word_pair[1] if auto_update.remove_word_pair[0]: fields.setdefault('remove', {})['first_word'] = \ auto_update.remove_word_pair[0] if auto_update.remove_word_pair[1]: fields.setdefault('remove', {})['second_word'] = \ auto_update.remove_word_pair[1] return fields
[docs]def group_create(group): """Serializes the given group create object to JSON. :param GroupCreate group: the group to serialize :return: dictionary suitable for JSON serialization """ fields = {} if fields['name'] = if group.members: fields['members'] = sorted(group.members) if group.child_groups: fields['child_groups'] = sorted(group.child_groups) if group.auto_update: fields['auto_update'] = _group_auto_update_helper(group.auto_update) if group.tags: fields['tags'] = sorted(group.tags) return fields
[docs]def group_update(obj): """Serializes the given group update object to JSON. :param GroupUpdate obj: the group update to serialize :return: a dictionary suitable for JSON serialization :rtype: dict """ fields = {} if == RESET: fields['name'] = None elif fields['name'] = if obj.member_insertions: fields['add'] = sorted(obj.member_insertions) if obj.member_removals: fields['remove'] = sorted(obj.member_removals) if obj.child_group_insertions: fields['child_groups_add'] = sorted(obj.child_group_insertions) if obj.child_group_removals: fields['child_groups_remove'] = sorted(obj.child_group_removals) if obj.add_from_group: fields['add_from_group'] = obj.add_from_group if obj.remove_from_group: fields['remove_from_group'] = obj.remove_from_group if obj.auto_update == RESET: fields['auto_update'] = None elif obj.auto_update: fields['auto_update'] = _group_auto_update_helper(obj.auto_update) return fields
[docs]def tags(tag_coll): """Serializes the given tags to a JSON string. :param set[str] tag_coll: a set of tags :return: a dictionary suitable for JSON serialization :rtype: dict """ return {'tags': sorted(tag_coll)}
[docs]def tags_update(tags_to_add, tags_to_remove): """Serializes the given tag updates to a JSON string. :param set[str] tags_to_add: list of tags :param str[str] tags_to_remove: list of tags :return: a dictionary suitable for JSON serialization :rtype: dict """ return { 'add': sorted(tags_to_add), 'remove': sorted(tags_to_remove) }