Source code for clx.xms.deserialize

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""JSON deserializer for API classes.

Note, this module is mainly intended for internal use and the API may
change in the future


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import binascii
import iso8601
from clx.xms import api
from clx.xms.exceptions import UnexpectedResponseException

def _date_time(json, date_string):
    """Deserializes the given string into a `DateTime`.

    Assumes the string is in ISO-8601 format.

    :param str json original: JSON message
    :param str date_string: the string holding the date time
    :return: a date time
    :rtype: datetime
    :raises UnexpectedResponseException: if given invalid time string
        return iso8601.parse_date(date_string)
    except iso8601.ParseError as ex:
        raise UnexpectedResponseException(str(ex), json)

def _batch_response_helper(json, fields, batch):
    """Helper that populates the given batch result.

    The batch is populated from a dictionary representation of the
    JSON document.

    :param str json: original JSON string
    :param dict fields: the JSON fields
    :param MtBatchSmsResult batch: the target object
    :return: None


    batch.batch_id = fields['id']
    batch.recipients = set(fields['to'])
    batch.sender = fields['from']
    batch.canceled = fields['canceled']

    if 'delivery_report' in fields:
        batch.delivery_report = fields['delivery_report']

    if 'send_at' in fields:
        batch.send_at = _date_time(json, fields['send_at'])

    if 'expire_at' in fields:
        batch.expire_at = _date_time(json, fields['expire_at'])

    if 'created_at' in fields:
        batch.created_at = _date_time(json, fields['created_at'])

    if 'modified_at' in fields:
        batch.modified_at = _date_time(json, fields['modified_at'])

    if 'callback_url' in fields:
        batch.callback_url = fields['callback_url']

def _convert_parameters(params):
    """Converts an object describing parameter mappings to associative

    We want an associative array but since `json_decode` produces an
    object whose fields correspond to the substitutions we need to do
    a bit of conversion.

    :param params: the parameter mapping object
    :return: the parameter mappings

    return params

def _batch_response_from_fields(json, fields):
    """Helper that creates and populates a batch result object.

    The result is populated from a dictionary representation of the
    JSON document.

    :param str json: the JSON formatted string
    :param dict fields: the `json_decode` containing the result
    :return: the parsed result
    :raises UnexpectedResponseException: if the JSON contained an
        unexpected message type


    if fields['type'] == 'mt_text':
        result = api.MtBatchTextSmsResult()
        result.body = fields['body']

        if 'parameters' in fields:
            result.parameters = _convert_parameters(fields['parameters'])
    elif fields['type'] == 'mt_binary':
        result = api.MtBatchBinarySmsResult()
        result.udh = binascii.unhexlify(fields['udh'])
        result.body = binascii.a2b_base64(fields['body'])
        raise UnexpectedResponseException(
            "Received unexpected batch type " + fields['type'],

    # Read the common fields.
    _batch_response_helper(json, fields, result)

    return result

def _check_response(response):
    """Reads the JSON object from the given response.

    :returns: The raw JSON string and the parsed JSON dictionary
    :rtype: tuple[str, dict]
    :raises UnexpectedResponseException: if response did not contain valid JSON


    json = response.text
        return (json, response.json())
    except ValueError as ex:
        raise UnexpectedResponseException(str(ex), json)

[docs]def batch_result(response): """Reads a request response containing a batch result. If the ``type`` field has the value ``mt_text`` then an :class:`MtBatchSmsTextCreate` object is returned, if the value is ``mt_binary`` then an :class:`MtBatchTextSmsCreate` object is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown. :param Response response: the response object to interpret :return: the parsed result :rtype: MtBatchTextSmsResult or MtBatchBinarySmsResult :raises UnexpectedResponseException: if the JSON contained an unexpected message type """ json, fields = _check_response(response) return _batch_response_from_fields(json, fields)
[docs]def batches_page(response): """Reads a JSON blob describing a page of batches. :param Response response: the response object to interpret :return: the parsed page :rtype: Page :raises UnexpectedResponseException: if the JSON contained an unexpected message type """ json, fields = _check_response(response) result = api.Page() = fields['page'] result.size = fields['page_size'] result.total_size = fields['count'] result.content = [ _batch_response_from_fields(json, s) for s in fields['batches'] ] return result
[docs]def batch_dry_run_result(response): """Reads a JSON formatted string describing a dry-run result. :param Response response: the response object to interpret :return: the parsed result :rtype: MtBatchDryRunResult """ def recipient(recipient_fields): """Helper used to populate ``per_recipient`` property.""" recipient = api.DryRunPerRecipient() recipient.recipient = recipient_fields['recipient'] recipient.number_of_parts = recipient_fields['number_of_parts'] recipient.body = recipient_fields['body'] recipient.encoding = recipient_fields['encoding'] return recipient fields = response.json() result = api.MtBatchDryRunResult() result.number_of_recipients = fields['number_of_recipients'] result.number_of_messages = fields['number_of_messages'] if 'per_recipient' in fields: result.per_recipient = [recipient(r) for r in fields['per_recipient']] return result
[docs]def batch_delivery_report(response): """Reads a JSON blob describing a batch delivery report. :param Response response: An XMS response carrying a JSON body :return: the parsed batch delivery report :rtype: BatchDeliveryReport :raises UnexpectedResponseException: if the JSON contained an unexpected message type """ json = response.text fields = response.json() if 'type' not in fields or fields['type'] != 'delivery_report_sms': raise UnexpectedResponseException("Expected delivery report", json) def report_status(status): """Helper used to populate statuses property.""" result = api.BatchDeliveryReportStatus() result.code = status['code'] result.status = status['status'] result.count = status['count'] if 'recipients' in status: result.recipients = set(status['recipients']) return result result = api.BatchDeliveryReport() result.batch_id = fields['batch_id'] result.total_message_count = fields['total_message_count'] result.statuses = [report_status(s) for s in fields['statuses']] return result
[docs]def batch_recipient_delivery_report(response): """Reads a batch recipient delivery report from the given JSON text. :param Response response: an XMS response :returns: a delivery report :rtype: BatchRecipientDeliveryReport :raises UnexpectedResponseException: if the JSON contained an unexpected message type """ json = response.text fields = response.json() expected_type = 'recipient_delivery_report_sms' if 'type' not in fields or fields['type'] != expected_type: raise UnexpectedResponseException( "Expected recipient delivery report", json) result = api.BatchRecipientDeliveryReport() result.batch_id = fields['batch_id'] result.recipient = fields['recipient'] result.code = fields['code'] result.status = fields['status'] result.status_at = _date_time(json, fields['at']) if 'status_message' in fields: result.status_message = fields['status_message'] if 'operator' in fields: result.operator = fields['operator'] if 'operator_status_at' in fields: result.operator_status_at = _date_time( json, fields['operator_status_at']) return result
[docs]def error(response): """Reads a JSON blob containing an error response. :param Response response: an XMS response :returns: the decoded error :rtype: Error """ fields = response.json() return api.Error(fields['code'], fields['text'])
def _auto_update_from_fields(fields): """Helper that creates a group auto update object from the given fields. :param fields: the fields representing the JSON blob :return: the created group auto update :rtype: GroupAutoUpdate """ add_map = fields.get('add', {}) remove_map = fields.get('remove', {}) return api.GroupAutoUpdate( fields['to'], add_first_word=add_map.get('first_word', None), add_second_word=add_map.get('second_word', None), remove_first_word=remove_map.get('first_word', None), remove_second_word=remove_map.get('second_word', None)) def _group_result_from_fields(json, fields): """Helper that creates a group response object from the given fields. :param json: original JSON string :param fields: the JSON fields :return: the created group response :rtype: GroupResult """ result = api.GroupResult() result.child_groups = set(fields['child_groups']) result.group_id = fields['id'] result.size = fields['size'] result.created_at = _date_time(json, fields['created_at']) result.modified_at = _date_time(json, fields['modified_at']) if 'name' in fields: = fields['name'] if 'auto_update' in fields: result.auto_update = _auto_update_from_fields(fields['auto_update']) return result
[docs]def group_result(response): """Parses a group response from the given JSON text. :param Response response: an XMS response :returns: the deserialized group response :rtype: GroupResult """ json = response.text fields = response.json() return _group_result_from_fields(json, fields)
[docs]def groups_page(response): """Parses a page of groups from the given JSON text. :param Response response: an XMS response :returns: the created page of groups :rtype: Page """ json, fields = _check_response(response) result = api.Page() = fields['page'] result.size = fields['page_size'] result.total_size = fields['count'] result.content = [ _group_result_from_fields(json, s) for s in fields['groups'] ] return result
[docs]def group_members(response): """Reads a JSON blob containing a set of group members. :param Response response: an XMS response :returns: a set of MSISDNs :rtype: set[str] """ _, fields = _check_response(response) return set(fields)
[docs]def tags(response): """Reads a JSON blob containing a list of tags. :param Response response: an XMS response :returns: a set of tags :rtype: set[str] """ _, fields = _check_response(response) return set(fields['tags'])
def _mo_sms_from_fields(json, fields): """Helper that reads an MO from the given fields. :param str json: original JSON formatted text :param dict fields: the JSON fields :return: the parsed inbound message :rtype: MoSms :raise UnexpectedResponseException: if the JSON contained an unexpected message type """ if fields['type'] == 'mo_text': result = api.MoTextSms() result.body = fields['body'] if 'keyword' in fields: result.keyword = fields['keyword'] elif fields['type'] == 'mo_binary': result = api.MoBinarySms() result.udh = binascii.unhexlify(fields['udh']) result.body = binascii.a2b_base64(fields['body']) else: raise UnexpectedResponseException( 'Received unexpected inbound type ' + fields['type'], json) result.message_id = fields['id'] result.sender = fields['from'] result.recipient = fields['to'] if 'operator' in fields: result.operator = fields['operator'] if 'sent_at' in fields: result.sent_at = _date_time(json, fields['sent_at']) if 'received_at' in fields: result.received_at = _date_time(json, fields['received_at']) return result
[docs]def mo_sms(response): """Reads an XMS response containing an MO message. :param Response response: an XMS response :returns: the MO message found in the response :rtype: MoSms :raises UnexpectedResponseException: if the JSON contained an unexpected message type """ json, fields = _check_response(response) return _mo_sms_from_fields(json, fields)
[docs]def inbounds_page(response): """Reads a JSON blob describing a page of MO messages. :param Response response: an XMS response :returns: the parsed page :rtype: Page :raises UnexpectedResponseException: if the JSON contained an unexpected message type """ json, fields = _check_response(response) result = api.Page() = fields['page'] result.size = fields['page_size'] result.total_size = fields['count'] result.content = [_mo_sms_from_fields(json, s) for s in fields['inbounds']] return result