Source code for clx.xms.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

"""The classes in this module represent objects sent and received from


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

[docs]class ReportType(object): """A collection of known delivery report types. These values are known to be valid in :py:attr:`MtSmsBatch.delivery_report`. """ NONE = 'none' SUMMARY = 'summary' FULL = 'full' PER_RECIPIENT = 'per_recipient'
[docs]class DeliveryStatus(object): """A collection of known delivery statuses. Note, new statuses may be introduced to the XMS API. """ QUEUED = "Queued" """Message is queued within REST API system and will be dispatched according to the rate of the account.""" DISPATCHED = "Dispatched" """Message has been dispatched and accepted for delivery by the SMSC.""" ABORTED = "Aborted" """Message was aborted before reaching SMSC.""" REJECTED = "Rejected" """Message was rejected by SMSC.""" DELIVERED = "Delivered" """Message has been delivered.""" FAILED = "Failed" """Message failed to be delivered.""" EXPIRED = "Expired" """Message expired before delivery.""" UNKNOWN = "Unknown" """It is not known if message was delivered or not."""
[docs]class DeliveryReportType(object): """The types of delivery reports that can be retrieved.""" SUMMARY = "summary" """Indicates a summary batch delivery report. The summary delivery report does not include the per-recipient result but rather aggregated statistics about the deliveries. """ FULL = "full" """Indicates a full batch delivery report. This includes per-recipient delivery results. For batches with many destinations such reports may be very large. """
[docs]class Reset(object): """A class whose instances indicate that a value should be reset. This is used when updating previously created XMS objects. Note, it is typically not necessary to created new objects of this type, instead use the constant :const:`.RESET`. """ def __init__(self): pass
RESET = Reset() """Object used to indicate that a XMS field should be reset to its default value."""
[docs]class MtBatchSms(object): """Base class for all SMS batch classes. Holds fields that are common to both the create and response classes. .. attribute:: recipients One or more MSISDNs indicating the batch recipients. :type: set[str] .. attribute:: sender The batch sender, typically a short code or long number. :type: str .. attribute:: delivery_report The type of delivery report to use for this batch. :type: str .. attribute:: send_at The time at which this batch should be sent. :type: datetime .. attribute:: expire_at The time at which this batch should expire. :type: datetime .. attribute:: callback_url The URL to which callbacks should be sent. :type: str """ def __init__(self): self.recipients = set() self.sender = None self.delivery_report = None self.send_at = None self.expire_at = None self.callback_url = None
[docs]class MtBatchSmsCreate(MtBatchSms): """Describes parameters available during batch creation. We can create two kinds of batches, textual and binary, described in the child classes :py:class:`MtBatchTextSmsCreate` and :py:class:`MtBatchTextSmsCreate`, respectively. .. attribute:: tags The initial set of tags to give the batch. :type: set[str] """ def __init__(self): MtBatchSms.__init__(self) self.tags = set()
[docs]class MtBatchTextSmsCreate(MtBatchSmsCreate): """Class whose fields describe a text batch. .. attribute:: body The message body or template. :type: str .. attribute:: parameters The template parameters. This property is only relevant is the :py:attr:`body` property is a template. This is expected to be an associative array mapping parameter keys to associative arrays themselves mapping recipient numbers to substitution strings. More concretely we may have for the parameterized message "Hello, ${name}!" have:: batch.parameters = { 'name': { '123456789': 'Mary', '987654321': 'Joe', 'default': 'valued customer' } } And the recipient with MSISDN "123456789" would then receive the message "Hello, Mary!". Note the use of "default" to indicate the substitution for recipients not explicitly given. For example, the recipient "555555555" would receive the message "Hello, valued customer!". :type: dict[str, dict[str, str]] """ def __init__(self): MtBatchSmsCreate.__init__(self) self.body = None self.parameters = {}
[docs]class MtBatchBinarySmsCreate(MtBatchSmsCreate): """Describes a binary batch. This class holds all parameters that can be used when creating a binary SMS batch. .. attribute:: body The body of this binary message. :type: bytes .. attribute:: udh The User Data Header of this binary message. :type: bytes """ def __init__(self): MtBatchSmsCreate.__init__(self) self.body = None self.udh = None
[docs]class MtBatchSmsUpdate(object): """Describes updates that can be performed on text and binary SMS batches. .. attribute:: recipient_insertions The message destinations to add to the batch. This should have zero or more MSISDNs. :type: set[str] .. attribute:: recipient_removals The message destinations to remove from the batch. This should have zero or more MSISDNs. :type: set[str] .. attribute:: sender The message originator as a long number or short code. If ``None`` then the current value is kept, if :const:`.RESET` then the value is reset to its XMS default, and if set to a string the sender is updated. :type: str or None or Reset .. attribute:: delivery_report Description of how to update the batch delivery report value. If ``None`` then the current value is kept, if :const:`.RESET` then the value is reset to its XMS default, and if set to a string the delivery report value is updated. See :class:`ReportType` for valid report types. :type: str or None or Reset .. attribute:: send_at Description of how to update the batch send at value. If ``None`` then the current value is kept, if :const:`.RESET` then the value is reset to its XMS default, and if set to a date time the send at value is updated. :type: datetime or None or Reset .. attribute:: expire_at Description of how to update the batch expire at value. If ``None`` then the current value is kept, if :const:`.RESET` then the value is reset to its XMS default, and if set to a date time the expire at value is updated. :type: datetime or None or Reset .. attribute:: callback_url Description of how to update the batch callback URL. If ``None`` then the current value is kept, if :const:`.RESET` then the value is reset to its XMS default, and if set to a string the callback URL value is updated. :type: str or None or Reset """ def __init__(self): self.recipient_insertions = set() self.recipient_removals = set() self.sender = None self.delivery_report = None self.send_at = None self.expire_at = None self.callback_url = None
[docs]class MtBatchTextSmsUpdate(MtBatchSmsUpdate): """Class that the update operations that can be performed on a text batch. .. attribute:: body The updated batch message body. If ``None`` then the current batch message is kept. :type: str or None .. attribute:: parameters Description of how to update the batch parameters. If ``None`` then the current value is kept, if :const:`.RESET` then the value is reset to its XMS default, and if set to a dictionary the parameters value is updated. :type: dict or None or Reset """ def __init__(self): MtBatchSmsUpdate.__init__(self) self.body = None self.parameters = None
[docs]class MtBatchBinarySmsUpdate(MtBatchSmsUpdate): """Describes updates to a binary SMS batch. .. attribute:: body The updated binary batch body. If ``None`` then the existing body is left as-is. :type: bytes or None .. attribute:: udh The updated binary User Data Header. If ``None`` then the existing UDH is left as-is. :type: bytes or None """ def __init__(self): MtBatchSmsUpdate.__init__(self) self.body = None self.udh = None
[docs]class MtBatchSmsResult(MtBatchSms): """Contains the common fields of text and binary batches. .. attribute:: batch_id The unique batch identifier. :type: str .. attribute:: created_at Time when this batch was created. :type: datetime .. attribute:: modified_at Time when this batch was last modified. :type: datetime .. attribute:: canceled Whether this batch has been canceled. :type: bool """ def __init__(self): MtBatchSms.__init__(self) self.batch_id = None self.created_at = None self.modified_at = None self.canceled = None
[docs]class MtBatchTextSmsResult(MtBatchSmsResult): """A textual batch as returned by the XMS endpoint. This differs from the batch creation definition by the addition of, for example, the batch identifier and the creation time. .. attribute:: body The message body or template. See :py:attr:`MtBatchTextSmsCreate.parameters`. :type: str .. attribute:: parameters The template parameters. type *dict[str, dict[str, str]]* """ def __init__(self): MtBatchSmsResult.__init__(self) self.body = None self.parameters = None
[docs]class MtBatchBinarySmsResult(MtBatchSmsResult): """A binary SMS batch as returned by XMS. .. attribute:: body The body of this binary message. :type: bytes .. attribute:: udh The User Data Header of this binary message. :type: bytes """ def __init__(self): MtBatchSmsResult.__init__(self) self.body = None self.udh = None
[docs]class BatchDeliveryReport(object): """Batch delivery report. A batch delivery report is divided into a number of *buckets* and each such bucket contain statistics about batch messages having a specific delivery status. The :py:attr:`statuses` property contains the various buckets. .. attribute:: batch_id Identifier of the batch that this report covers. :type: str .. attribute:: total_message_count The total number of messages sent as part of this batch. :type: int .. attribute:: statuses The batch status buckets. This array describes the aggregated status for the batch where each array element contains information about messages having a certain delivery status and delivery code. :type: list[BatchDeliveryReportStatus] """ def __init__(self): self.batch_id = None self.total_message_count = None self.statuses = []
[docs]class BatchDeliveryReportStatus(object): """Aggregated statistics for a given batch. This represents the delivery statistics for a given statistics *bucket*. See :py:class:`BatchDeliveryReport`. .. attribute:: code The delivery status code for this recipient bucket. :type: int .. attribute:: status The delivery status for this recipient bucket. :type: str .. attribute:: count The number of recipients belonging to this bucket. :type: int .. attribute:: recipients The recipients having this status. Note, this is non-empty only if a `full` delivery report has been requested. :type: set[str] """ def __init__(self): self.code = None self.status = None self.count = None self.recipients = set()
[docs]class BatchRecipientDeliveryReport(object): """A delivery report for an individual batch recipient. .. attribute:: batch_id The batch identifier. :type: string .. attribute:: recipient The recipient address. :type: string .. attribute:: code The delivery code. :type: int .. attribute:: status The delivery status. :type: int .. attribute:: status_message The delivery status message. The status message is not always available and the attribute is set to *None* in those cases. :type: string or None .. attribute:: operator The recipient's mobile operator. If the operator is not known, then this is set to *None*. :type: string or None .. attribute:: status_at The time at delivery. :type: datetime .. attribute:: operator_status_at The time of delivery as reported by operator. :type: datetime or None """ def __init__(self): self.batch_id = None self.recipient = None self.code = None self.status = None self.status_message = None self.operator = None self.status_at = None self.operator_status_at = None
[docs]class Error(object): """Describes error responses given by XMS. :param str code: the error code :param str text: the human readable error text .. attribute:: code A code that can be used to programmatically recognize the error. :type: str .. attribute:: text Human readable description of the error. :type: str """ def __init__(self, code, text): self.code = code self.text = text
[docs]class MtBatchDryRunResult(object): """A batch dry run report. .. attribute:: number_of_recipients The number of recipients that would receive the batch message. :type: int .. attribute:: number_of_message The number of messages that will be sent. :type: int .. attribute:: per_recipient The per-recipient dry-run result. :type: list[DryRunPerRecipient] """ def __init__(self): self.number_of_recipients = None self.number_of_messages = None self.per_recipient = []
[docs]class DryRunPerRecipient(object): """Per-recipient dry-run result. Object of this class only occur within dry-run results. See :class:`MtBatchDryRunResult`. .. attribute:: recipient The recipient. :type: str .. attribute:: number_of_parts Number of message parts needed for the recipient. :type: int .. attribute:: body Message body sent to this recipient. :type: str .. attribute:: encoding Indicates the text encoding used for this recipient. This is one of "text" or "unicode". See :const:`ENCODING_TEXT` and :const:`ENCODING_UNICODE`. :type: str """ ENCODING_TEXT = "text" """Constant indicating non-unicode encoding.""" ENCODING_UNICODE = "unicode" """Constant indicating unicode encoding.""" def __init__(self): self.recipient = None self.number_of_parts = None self.body = None self.encoding = None
[docs]class GroupAutoUpdate(object): """A description of automatic group updates. An automatic update is triggered by a mobile originated message to a given number containing special keywords. When the given recipient receives a mobile originated SMS containing keywords (first and/or second) matching the given ``add`` arguments then the sender MSISDN is added to the group. Similarly, if the MO is matching the given ``remove`` keyword arguments then the MSISDN is removed from the group. For example:: GroupAutoUpdate( recipient='12345', add_first_word='add', remove_first_word='remove') would trigger based solely on the first keyword of the MO message. On the other hand:: GroupAutoUpdate( recipient='12345', add_first_word='alert', add_second_word='add', remove_first_word='alert', remove_second_word='remove') would trigger only when both the first and second keyword are given in the MO message. :param str recipient: recipient that triggers this rule :param add_first_word: first ``add`` keyword, default is `None`. :type add_first_word: str or None :param add_second_word: second ``add`` keyword, default is `None`. :type add_second_word: str or None :param remove_first_word: first ``remove`` keyword, default is `None`. :type remove_first_word: str or None :param remove_second_word: second ``remove`` keywords, default is `None`. :type remove_second_word: str or None .. attribute:: recipient The recipient of the mobile originated message. A short code or long number. :type: str .. attribute:: add_word_pair A two-element tuple holding the first and second keyword that causes the MO sender to be added to the group. :type: tuple[str or None, str or None] .. attribute:: remove_word_pair A two-element tuple holding the first and second keyword that causes the MO sender to be removed from the group. :type: tuple[str or None, str or None] """ def __init__(self, recipient, add_first_word=None, add_second_word=None, remove_first_word=None, remove_second_word=None): self.recipient = recipient self.add_word_pair = (add_first_word, add_second_word) self.remove_word_pair = (remove_first_word, remove_second_word)
[docs]class GroupCreate(object): """A description of the fields necessary to create a group. .. attribute:: name The group name. :type: str .. attribute:: members A set of MSISDNs that belong to this group. :type: set[str] .. attribute:: child_groups A set of groups that in turn belong to this group. :type: set[str] .. attribute:: auto_update Describes how this group should be auto updated. If no auto updating should be performed for the group then this value is ``None``. :type: GroupAutoUpdate or None .. attribute:: tags The tags associated to this group. :type: set[str] """ def __init__(self): = None self.members = set() self.child_groups = set() self.auto_update = None self.tags = set()
[docs]class GroupResult(object): """This class holds the result of a group fetch operation. This may be used either standalone or as an element of a paged result. .. attribute:: group_id The unique group identifier. :type: str .. attribute:: name The group name. :type: str .. attribute:: size The number of members of this group. :type: int .. attribute:: child_groups A set of groups that in turn belong to this group. :type: set[str] .. attribute:: auto_update Describes how this group should be auto updated. If no auto updating should be performed for the group then this value is ``None``. :type: GroupAutoUpdate or None .. attribute:: created_at The time at which this group was created. :type: datetime .. attribute:: modified_at The time when this group was last modified. :type: datetime """ def __init__(self): self.group_id = None = None self.size = None self.child_groups = set() self.auto_update = None self.created_at = None self.modified_at = None
[docs]class GroupUpdate(object): """Describes updates that can be performed on a group. .. attribute:: name Updates the group name. If ``None`` then the current value is kept, if :const:`.RESET` then the value is reset to its XMS default, and if set to a string the name is updated. :type: None or str or Reset .. attribute:: member_insertions The MSISDNs that should be added to this group. :type: set[str] .. attribute:: member_removals The MSISDNs that should be removed from this group. :type: set[str] .. attribute:: child_group_insertions The child groups that should be added to this group. :type: set[str] .. attribute:: child_group_removals The child groups that should be removed from this group. :type: set[str] .. attribute:: add_from_group Identifier of a group whose members should be added to this group. :type: str .. attribute:: remove_from_group Identifier of a group whose members should be removed from this group. :type: str .. attribute:: auto_update Describes how this group should be auto updated. If ``None`` then the current value is kept, if :const:`.RESET` then the value is reset to its XMS default, and if set to a ``GroupAutoUpdate`` object the value is updated. :type: None or GroupAutoUpdate or Reset """ def __init__(self): = None self.member_insertions = set() self.member_removals = set() self.child_group_insertions = set() self.child_group_removals = set() self.add_from_group = None self.remove_from_group = None self.auto_update = None
[docs]class MoSms(object): """Base class for SMS mobile originated messages. Holds fields that are common to both the textual and binary MO classes. .. attribute:: message_id The message identifier. :type: str .. attribute:: recipient The message recipient. This is a short code or long number. :type: str .. attribute:: sender The message sender. This is an MSISDN. :type: str .. attribute:: operator The MCCMNC of the originating operator, if available. :type: str or None .. attribute:: sent_at The time when this message was sent, if available. :type: datetime or None .. attribute:: received_at The time when the messaging system received this message. :type: datetime """ def __init__(self): self.message_id = None self.recipient = None self.sender = None self.operator = None self.sent_at = None self.received_at = None
[docs]class MoTextSms(MoSms): """An SMS mobile originated message with textual content. .. attribute:: body The message body. :type: str .. attribute:: keyword The message keyword, if available. :type: str or None """ def __init__(self): MoSms.__init__(self) self.body = None self.keyword = None
[docs]class MoBinarySms(MoSms): """An SMS mobile originated message with binary content. .. attribute:: body The binary message body. :type: bytes .. attribute:: udh The user data header. :type: bytes """ def __init__(self): MoSms.__init__(self) self.body = None self.udh = None
[docs]class Page(object): """A page of elements. The element type depends on the type of page that has been retrieved. Typically it is one of :class:`MtSmsBatchResponse` or :class:`GroupResponse`. .. attribute:: page The page number, starting from zero. :type: int .. attribute:: page The number of elements on this page. :type: int .. attribute:: total_size The total number of elements across all fetched pages. :type: int .. attribute:: content The page elements. :type: list[obj] """ def __init__(self): = None self.size = None self.total_size = None self.content = None def __iter__(self): """Returns an iterator over the content of this page. For example, if the page is the result of a batch listing then this iterator will yield batch results. :returns: the page iterator :rtype: iterator """ return iter(self.content)
[docs]class Pages(object): """A paged result. It is possible to, for example, fetch individual pages or iterate over all pages. :param worker: worker function that fetches pages """ def __init__(self, worker): self._worker = worker
[docs] def get(self, page): """Downloads a specific page. :param int page: number of the page to fetch :return: a page :rtype: Page """ return self._worker(page)
def __iter__(self): """Iterator across all pages.""" return PagesIterator(self)
[docs]class PagesIterator(object): """An iterator over a paged result. The key is the page number and the value corresponds to the content of the pages. :param Pages pages: the pages that we are iterating over """ def __init__(self, pages): self._pages = pages self._cur_page = None self._position = 0
[docs] def next(self): return self.__next__()
def __next__(self): """Steps this iterator to the next page.""" if not self._cur_page or != self._position: self._cur_page = self._pages.get(self._position) self._position += 1 # If we fetched an empty page then the iteration is over. if self._cur_page.size <= 0: raise StopIteration else: return self._cur_page